
  • Alicia Mercadet Instituto de Investigaciones Agro-Forestales
  • Arnaldo Álvarez Instituto de Investigaciones Agro-Forestales
  • Yolanis Rodríguez Instituto de Investigaciones Agro-Forestales
  • Luis M. Gómez Instituto de Investigaciones Agro-Forestales
  • Manuel Valle Instituto de Investigaciones Agro-Forestales
  • Roberto Ramos Instituto de Investigaciones Agro-Forestales
  • Dariel Morales Instituto de Investigaciones Agro-Forestales
  • Jesús Toledo Instituto de Investigaciones Agro-Forestales
  • Jorge León Instituto de Investigaciones Agro-Forestales



carbono, madera, espaciemiento, Pinus caribaea


In Cuba there are no precedents about how to manage wood plantations for sawmill, together with carbon retention. There were used 30 temporal plots (500 m2 each) in plantations of Pinus caribaea M. var. caribaea B. & G. in Tope de Collantes, region of Cuban south-centre mountains in Sancti Spiritus province. In each plot were measured normal diameter (d1,30), total height and bark thickness by tree, and then it was calculated total volume with bark per tree, yield per hectare and carbon retention in order to analyse variation tendencies of those variables with spacing, using first as fixed effects site and age and then, confounding site effect within spacing. In all cases normal diameter and total volume with bark per tree had increasing tendencies with respect to spacing, while bark thickness by tree, yield per hectare and carbon retention presented decreasing ones. Those results suggest that for an adequate combination of wood production for sawmill together with carbon retention, it would be convenient to establish a compromise spacing between both variables, which for that species and site conditions was 990 trees per hectare, equivalent to 3,2 m x 3,2 m.


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How to Cite

MERCADET, A.; ÁLVAREZ, A.; RODRÍGUEZ, Y.; GÓMEZ, L. M.; VALLE, M.; RAMOS, R.; MORALES, D.; TOLEDO, J.; LEÓN, J. CARBON RETENTION IN FOREST STANDS IN Pinus caribaea Morelet var. caribaea B. & G. FOR WOOD PRODUCTION IN THE REGION OF TOPE DE COLLANTES, GUAMUHAYA, SANCTI SPIRITUS PROVINCE. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 26, n. 1, p. 7–15, 2014. DOI: 10.4322/rif.2014.001. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 oct. 2024.



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