
  • Alexandre Magno Sabbenn Instituto Florestal
  • Miguel Luiz Menezes Freitas Instituto Florestal
  • Antonio Carlos Scatena Zanatto Instituto Florestal
  • Euripedes Moraes Instituto Florestal



conservation genetics, jequitibá-rosa, coancestry, effective population size


Low genetic diversity has been reported as one of the possible limitations of restoration plantings in achieving their objectives. The main aim of this study was to suggest a selection scheme based on a provenance and progeny test of Cariniana legalis, at 26 years of age, established in Luiz Antônio, São Paulo State. The trial was established in a compact family block design with three provenances (Campinas, Ibicatu and Vassununga), 15 to 17 progenies within provenance, six replicates and subplots with five plants. The trial was measured at 26 years of age for the traits diameter at breast height - DBH, height, volume, and stem form. Statistically significant differences among provenances for DBH, height, and volume were detected. Variation among progenies within provenances was detected for DBH, height, and stem form. The estimates of genetic correlations among growth traits showed strong genetic association between traits. The coefficient of genetic variation ranged from 1.44% for stem form to 13.15% for volume, and heritability estimates were relative low (maximum of 0.27 for stem form). In order to combine the objectives of ex situ genetic conservation and of seed production in this trial, the selection scheme based on selection only within progeny was suggested.


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How to Cite

SABBENN, A. M.; FREITAS, M. L. M.; ZANATTO, A. C. S.; MORAES, E. SELEÇÃO DENTRO DE PROGÊNIES DE POLINIZAÇÃO ABERTA DE Cariniana legalis Mart. O. Ktze (LECYTHIDACEAE), VISANDO À PRODUÇÃO DE SEMENTES PARA RECUPERAÇÃO AMBIENTAL. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 21, n. 1, p. 27–37, 2009. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.2009211196. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 sep. 2024.



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