savanna, edaphologyAbstract
lt was studied the influence of the soil physical properties on formation of the savanna vegetation and the effects of these properties on the development of the most important native species. Along a transect line located in order to cover the physionomic aspect of the existing vegetation, soil samples were collected on plots (10 m x 20 m) where the species had been identified in the phytosociologycal survey. The soil samples were analysed for the following physical properties: sand; coarse sand; fine sand; silt and clay. The development of lhe vegetation measured as function of the number of trees per hectare; mean height; mean diameter, basal area; and cylindric volume. The data obtained from the vegetation measurements and these from the soil properties were analysed for linear correlation. The soil physical properties that most influenced on the vegetaticm development were: fine sand and clay content. The following native species were the most influenced by the soil physical factors: Qua/ea grandiflora, Byrsonima verbascifolia and Mychaerium vil/osum. The biometric variables of the fifteen most importante species that more correlated itself with the soil physical factors were: mean height of trees and number of trees per hectare.
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