
  • Nalú Bandeira Mendes UTAM
  • Bruce Walker Nelson Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia
  • Robert Pritchard Miller Instituto de Tecnologia da Amazônia




floristics, floristic inventory, forest inventory, tropical forest, Manaus


ln Amazônia, the city of Manaus and its environs, is one of the regions most studied from a botanical and ecological viewpoint, as evidenced by numerous scien­tific publications. However, the information obtained by such studies is scattered, so that both simple consultation concerning lhe occurrence of tree species, as well as more complex analysis are difficult. ln view of this situa­tion, this sludy made a survey of i 2 forest and floristic inventories carried out within a 200 km radius of Manaus, in order to obtain a broad sample of the number of tree species in the region, and their occurrence in different vegetation types or ecosystems. The information ob­tained from the survey is presented in the form of tables which list the localization of the inventories, sample size,minimum DBH used, vegetation type, and number of families, genera and speciesfound. The floristic compari­son of families, genera and species indicates the Sapotaceae as the largest family, with the greatest num­ber of species (60),and the genus Protium (Burseraceae; 24 species) as the largest genus. The species with greatest occurrence (in 8 localities) was Scleronema micranthum (Bombacaceae).


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How to Cite

MENDES, N. B.; NELSON, B. W.; MILLER, R. P. LEVANTAMENTO DAS ESPÉCIES ARBÓREAS DA REGIÃO DE MANAUS-AMAZONAS. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 4, n. 1, p. 332–338, 1992. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.199241348. Disponível em: https://rif.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/348. Acesso em: 15 dec. 2024.