
  • Giselda Durigan Instituto Florestal
  • João Dagoberto dos Santos ESALQ-USP
  • Flavio Bertin Gandara ESALQ-USP



Atlantic Forest, Pontal do Paranapanema, structure, tree species, fitossociology


Two forest fragments remaining a.t Pontal do (western region of São Paulo Sta.te) were studied, with the aim of describing the structure and arboreal flora of the forest to aid restoration projects. The survey method adopted comprised the combination of two traditional methods: plots and point-centred quarter method (PCQ). Two fragments approximately 1100 m apart were studed, and the main difference between them seems to be in the history of disturbance. ln each fragment, 100 points on a number of transects were surveyed, this giving a total of 400 individuais (DBH ≥  10 cm), that were measured and identifíed. Since PCQ has been shown to be unreliable for estimating absolute density in areas which have suffered disturbance, it was decided to make an independent estimate of absolute density using 20 plots of 100 m 2 (25 x 4m) installed along the transects, in which ali trees (≥  10 cm DBH) were counted. Absolute density of the forest as a whole was 405 ind/ha in both fragments, a remarkable coincidence. Basal area was quite different between the areas: 21.6 m2/ha. (Agua Sunuda) and 13.8 m2/ha (Estrela), reflectmg different level of disturbances. Summing both fragments, a total of 78 species were found. ln the Estrela fragment, 65 species occurred (H' = 3.35, J = 80.3%), the most important in decreasing order of IVI being: Plinia rivalaris, CrQton jloribundus, Ficus insipida, Dugnetia lanceolata and Astroniun graveolens. ln the Agua Sumida fragment, there were 62 species (H' = 3.51, J = 85.0%), and the most important in IVI were: Plinia rivularis, Chrysophyllum gonoca,pum, Garcinia gardneriana, Astronium graveolens and Ficus guaranitica. ln spite of the differences in the importance order of species, there was high floristic sunilarity (Jaccard índex = 63%) between the fragments. The combined method was easy to apply and the results can be used to aid restoration projects of the Atlantic Forest at Pontal do Paranapanema.


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Author Biographies

João Dagoberto dos Santos, ESALQ-USP

ESALQ-USP, Departamento de Ciências Florestais

Flavio Bertin Gandara, ESALQ-USP

ESALQ-USP, Departamento de Ciências Biológicas


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How to Cite

DURIGAN, G.; SANTOS, J. D. dos; GANDARA, F. B. FITOSSOCIOLOGIA DE DOIS FRAGMENTOS DE FLORESTA ESTACIONAL SEMIDECIDUAL NO PONTAL DO PARANAPANEMA, SP. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 14, n. 1, p. 13–26, 2002. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.2002141397. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.



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