
  • Maria Isabel Vallilo Instituto Florestal
  • Elisabeth de Oliveira Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Química



soils, inorganic elements, acid digestion, ICP-OES, Cantareira State Park


Soils physical-chemical characterization and evaluation of possible inorganic elements contamination in soils, uncler influence of cluplication of the Fernão Dias highway, Cantareira State Park, SP, were the aim of this study. Samples collectecl in 11 different points, in the horizons A (0-20 cm) and B (20-40 cm), were submitted to acid cligestion (HNO, cone.) assisted by microwave using closecl system. The partial concentrations of the analyzed metais (18) were cletermined by incluctively coupléd argon atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Great variability was observed in the amount of the elements, anel higher concentrations were founcl for Ca, Mg, AI, Fe, Zn and Ba. The soils samples presenteei different behavior from the other soils, clue to the highest clay (64%) sand (22%) amount presenting Cu- anel N1- leveis above the limits established by CETESB, implying in a possible phytotoxicity. One soil showed less acidity contend (pH = 5.7) and higher amount of silt (21%) than lhe other samples influencing the retention of K, Mg, AI, Ca, Ti, Fe. Zn anel Ba.


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How to Cite

VALLILO, M. I.; OLIVEIRA, E. de. CARACTERIZAÇÃO FÍSICO-QUÍMICA DOS SOLOS PRÓXIMOS À RODOVIA FERNÃO DIAS, PARQUE ESTADUAL DA CANTAREIRA, SP. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 15, n. 1, p. 19–28, 2003. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.2003151432. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 sep. 2024.



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