
  • Francisco Carlos Soriano Arcova Instituto Florestal
  • Valdir de Cicco Instituto Florestal
  • Pedro Yoichi Shimomichi Fundação para a Conservação e a Produção Florestal do Estado de São Paulo




nutrients budget, water quality, watershed, mata atlântica


Ca, Mg, K, NO3 and Na budget was estimated during two years: lrom January, 1984 to January, 1986, on D experimental watershed at the Engenheiro Agrônomo Walter Emmerich Hydrologic Laboratory. pH, colo r, turbidity, electric conductivity and streamwater temperature were also studied. The major results were: the budget was nega tive for all nutrients, being the input flux by rain, output by streamwater and the difference between them, in Kg/ha/year, respectively: year of 1984 - Ca: 4.06, 11.71 and -7.65; Mg: 1.25, 4.07 and -2.82; K: 3.66, 6.75 and -3.09; N03 : 9.36, 14.54 and -5.18; Na: 12.02, 26.88 and -14.89; year of 1985 - Ca: 1.06, 19.65 and -18.59; Mg: 0.70, 8.90 and -8.20; K: 6.79, 13. 91 and -7.12; N03 : 8.53, 22.15 and -13.62; Na: 9.68, 36.8 and -27.12. The biggest net losses on second year occurred due to high streamwater fluxes on the first months as a consequence of the high intensity rains. Low levels of pH and electric conductivity were noticed due to poor and very weathering soil and also' due to granitic geology of the watershed. Color was mainly influenced by organic matter in solution in water. The watershed vegetation protected the streamwater from extreme temperatures.


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How to Cite

ARCOVA, F. C. S.; CICCO, V. de; SHIMOMICHI, P. Y. QUALIDADE DA ÁGUA E DINÂMICA DOS NUTRIENTES EM BACIA HIDROGRÁFICA RECOBERTA POR FLORESTA DE MATA ATLÂNTICA. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 5, n. 1, p. 1–20, 1993. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.199351484. Disponível em: https://rif.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/484. Acesso em: 21 sep. 2024.



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