Acacia mangium, weight equations, models, biomass, crown, stemAbstract
A total of 152 trees were sampled in experimental plantation of 94-month old A. mangium Willd, in Botucatu, State of São Paulo, Brazil, to select models for stem, leaves and branches biomass determinations. Cross sections were collected in 125 sample trees at ground levei (0%), 25%, 50%, 75% and at the merchantablestem top diameter of 4.0 em outside bark (100%), and were processed in laboratory to establish the wood basic density and the bark density. Another 27 trees were separated into the crown components of branches and leaves, which were weighted green, and samples were collected to detenninate the dry mass/grecn mass ratios for those components. Seven regression models, based on diameter at breast height outside bark (di) and tree total height (h.), were tested for biomass (wD estimations of: total-stem wood dry weight outside bark; total leaves dry weight; total branches dry weight; total crown dry weight. The selected model for stem and branches biomass equations was the ope from Meye, modified (do (wi= β0 + β1di + β2di- + β3dihi+ β4di 2hi+ ε),, and for leaves and" crown biomass was the one from Schumacher-Hall (ln wi, = β0 + β1 1n di + β2 1n hi, + ε).
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