
  • Cybele de Souza Machado Crestana Instituto Florestal



Genipa americana, riparian forest, germination, seedling, seedling recruitment, forest dynamics, demography


Seedling recruitrµent of Genipa americana L. was studied in riparian forest by sampling transects installed from adult trees in Northwest-Southeast (NW-SE) and Southwest Northeast (SW-NE) directions. Samples of four square meters with distances varying between 0 to 30 m of the trunk were instalred. Fifty-four collections were done, at one-week intervals, from the beginning of germination. The units of monitormg were bouquets emerged of dropped fruits in tho soil. Results were expressed in terms of density, survival and seedling densicy, distance and age ratio along the year. As supplementary data each matnx tree was charactenzed m terms of crown. diameter, distance from gaps ang light vanation on each sàmple. Influence of different light conditions on establishment was indicated. Results shown seeds abundance; massive gemunation; fali intensity close to mother trees; aensity as limiting factor to recruitment; low survival rate in some distance from mother trees, in gap conditions.


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How to Cite

CRESTANA, C. de S. M. RECRUTAMENTO DE PLÂNTULAS DE Genipa americana L. (RUBIACEAE) EM MATA RIPÁRIA. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 10, n. 1, p. 1–15, 1998. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.1998101536. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.



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