
  • Antonio Nascim Kalil Filho EMBRAPA
  • Cesário Lange da Silva Pires Instituto Florestal
  • José Gurfinkel Instituto Florestal
  • Geovanita Paulino da Costa Kalil USP
  • Márcia Barreto de Medeiros Nóbrega EMBRAPA
  • Celso Paulo de Azevedo EMBRAPA
  • Roberval Monteiro Bezerra de Lima EMBRAPA



P. taeda, progeny test, genotypic stability


This paper aimed to evaluate P. 1 taeda L. progenies provenant from a South Africa clona! orchard established at Instituto Florestal Experimental Stations placed at Angatuba, Campos do Jordão and Itarare, São Paulo State, Brazil. Besides the development in height and DBH, the genotypic stability was estimateâ by EBERHART & RUSSELL (1966) method, in which year representing different environments. Height and DBH averages don't differ significantly by Tukey test, demonstrating that isn't a good potential measure to select P.rogenies. Progenies with the best general adaptability second EBERHART & RUSSELL method and that presented regression coefficients equal to 1 were: at Angatuba (3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14 and 15), at Campos do Jordão (1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 14, 16 and 17) and at Itararé (1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 13, 15 and 16). These progenies present potential for selection of the genetic material with better ability to response environmental changes. All the progenies, exception to progeny number 12 at Campos do Jordão, presented the sarne stability or high previsibility for height. Their means squares of the regression deviations are equal to zero at ali localities. This fact demonstrates that ali progenies own similar stability; selection for this character is being ineffective for the period of time considered in this analysis.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Nascim Kalil Filho, EMBRAPA

EMBRAPA, Centro de Pesquisa Agroflorestal da Amazônia Ocidental

Geovanita Paulino da Costa Kalil, USP

CPG, Departamento de Agricultura e Horticultura, ESALQ/USP

Márcia Barreto de Medeiros Nóbrega, EMBRAPA

EMBRAPA, Centro de Pesquisa Agroflorestal da Amazônia Ocidental

Celso Paulo de Azevedo, EMBRAPA

EMBRAPA, Centro de Pesquisa Agroflorestal da Amazônia Ocidental

Roberval Monteiro Bezerra de Lima, EMBRAPA

EMBRAPA, Centro de Pesquisa Agroflorestal da Amazônia Ocidental


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How to Cite

KALIL FILHO, A. N.; PIRES, C. L. da S.; GURFINKEL, J.; KALIL, G. P. da C.; NÓBREGA, M. B. de M.; AZEVEDO, C. P. de; LIMA, R. M. B. de. CRESCIMENTO E ESTABILIDADE GENOTÍPICA EM PROGÊNIES DE Pinus taeda L. EM TRÊS LOCALIDADES DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAUL0. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 9, n. 2, p. 171–182, 1997. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.199792609. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 sep. 2024.



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