
  • Carlos Eduardo Skoli Seoane
  • Alexandre Magno Sebbenn Instituto Florestal
  • Paulo Y oshio Kageyama Instituto Florestal



mating system, Esenbeckia leiocarpa, electrophoresis isozymes, population genetics, forest fragmentation


The mating system of two natural populations of Esenbeckia leiocarpa (guarantã) was studied in two forests fragments in São Paulo State, by isoenzymes. The mating system showed that the species 1s alogamous, but the homogeneity of pollen and ovules ,..alelle frequencies and the patemity correlation ( r P ) showed that outcrossing m natural populations of E. leiocarpa was not random, generating a small number of individuais by outcrossing among relatives and preferentials. The sefing correlation ( r ) demonstrated that selffertilization individuais are found randomly distributed wjthin progenies and the patemity correlation ( r ) indicated the existence of high proportions bf full-sibs within outcrossing progenies. ln comparing the mating system parameters between fragments, differences were not observed between the larger (Caetetus) and smaller (Ibicatu) fragments.


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How to Cite

SEOANE, C. E. S.; SEBBENN, A. M.; KAGEYAMA, P. Y. oshio. SISTEMA DE REPRODUÇÃO EM POPULAÇÕES DE Esenbeckia leiocarpa Engl. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 13, n. 1, p. 19–26, 2001. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.2001131626. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 sep. 2024.



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