riparian forest, Genipa americana L. (Rubiaceae), sinchronism, phenologyAbstract
Typical species studies of an ecosystem aiming genetic preservation and obtained from analysis of breeding process should ertainly include phenologic observations. In such case, the concern was on delincating phenologycal behaviour of Genipa americana L. by the attendance of 10 selected individuais following their appcarnnec oreler in lhe forest. The obscerved phases anel lhe quantification standard included: buds formation, flowerinu, flourishing and ripe fruits presence, laves 611, flushing, and for cach phenomenon percentage valuces were assigned, in weekly accomplished remarks. The resulting phenogram related lhe obscerved phenomena to climate elements, such as temperature and humidity. The phonologycal cycle has an aproimatedly twelve months lasting. with two we identifiable phases, one of them showing little vegetal activity, which occurs from February to July, and the other which is mainly characterized by leaves fall, beginning of flushing, flower germs formation, development of buds, opening of flowers and fruits formation Concerning 10 relations between the species and the bordering environment, results emphasized from dioecy evidence, temperature and humidity influence, determining the events scasonalitv and senchronism between flowering of male and female trees, supporting alogamy.
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