Genipa americana, seed, dispersal, riparian forestAbstract
Genipa americana L. dispersal dynamic was studied by fruit-watching and the process accompaniment in adult trees, before sampling jn the transects instalIed in Northwest-Southeast (NW-SE) and Southwest-Northeast (SW-NE) in items of twelve square meters with distances varying between 0.0 to 10 m of the trunk. Three pickings were done with four-week intervals from the beginning of fruit falI, having the number of falIen fruits been computed according to the transects localization. As supplementary data, each matrix tree was dendrometricalIy characterized and related to local climate and topography data. Dispersion sequence is remarked by hígher falI volume in January. Fruits are oval bags, voluminous, heavy, aromatic, juicy, indehicents, with no specialized apparatus and float. They deposit themselves under the crown, mainly in NW -SE direction, probably by particular tree characteristics influence with its spread; they concentrate themselves close to the trunk or up to mid distance between trunk and crown projection limit. Such results agree with the barochory syndrome, basicalIy associated to the action of mammals and rodents which perform, respectively, roles of secondary dispersors of seeds and easy-makers of its presentation. About the relation between dispersal process and riparian environment, results emphasized the coincidence between flood annual time and ripening and fall of fruits, favouring dispersion. It was evident that effective dispersion is a result of combination of abundance, shape, density and fruit floatation factors with local topography, flood occurrence and the presence of monkeys and "serelepes" in the forest.
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