
  • Timothy P. Moulton Centro de Pesquisas Aplicadas de Recursos Naturais da Ilha do Cardoso




Applied research, conservation, Atlantic rainforest, park management, systems analysis


At Ilha do Cardoso we have an excellent opportunity to apply research to the conservation of an important range of habitats - Atlantic rainforest, sand-plain vege.tation, mangrove, estuary and open coast - and preserve their component flora and fauna. The research centre situated at Ilha do Cardoso, CEPARNIC, is dedicated to applying research tothe planning and managementof the State Park, and to the conservation of the region as a whole. The models generated at CEPARNIC have wideranging implications, from general models of how research can be applied to practical problems in parks, through to models of ecosystem function and maintenance of biodiversity. For these goals to be achieved, it is essential that the work be integrated at the higher levels of organization - planning, conservation, ecosystem, etc. I present a proposal of how this can be organized and discuss the theory and practice of how it can work. Essentially the scheme follows the principais of systems analysis: Models are erected defining the objectives and how the systems are thought to work and this orientates the research which is conducted at the basic (botanical, zoological, ecological) leveI. The results of the research, in turn, are reapplied to the models and serve to refine them and generate more hypotheses. CEPARNIC is the obvious institution for the coordinating role and the research comes from past, present and future projects of the many institutions and universities that use the facilities at CEPARNIC


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How to Cite

MOULTON, T. P. APLICANDO PESQUISAS PARA CONSERVAÇÃO NO PARQUE ESTADUAL DA ILHA DO CARDOSO, SP. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 4, n. 4, p. 1022–1028, 1992. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.199244688. Disponível em: https://rif.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/688. Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.