
  • R. M. de Jesus
  • A. Garcia



Tropical forest management, econdary forest, Brazil


As part of the company research program involving forest systems, the project was installed in 1986 to test sustained production in a secondary transitional forest. The trial was established in the district of Rio Vermelho, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, belonging to Florestas Rio Doce S.A. The objective is the identification of a system and cycle of interference for self-sustained production of fuelwood and timber. Four treatments were tested with four replications in predominantly forest formations (secondary forest of about 15 years). Each treatment has a different degree of logging varying from clear cutting to selective logging. The control treatment had no thinning and an inventory was made in 1986 before and after thinning, 1988 and 1990, in ali plots. In each experimental plots, trees with circunference at over breast height (CBH) bark over 15,7 cm were measured. Seedlings from natural regeneration were counted in each plot. The species of each trees were identified by its botanical and popular names. None of the treatments had timber of sawmill quality to be removed, but will likey reach production by next harvest. The volume in the most productive treatment was 191,08 stjha and, after four years of observations, the number of trees (N/ha), basal area (m2/ha) and number of species (S) are statistically analyzed.


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Author Biographies

R. M. de Jesus

Florestas Rio Doce S.A. - Coordenadoria de Projetos Ambientais e Silvicultura Tropical

A. Garcia

Florestas Rio Doce S.A. - Coordenadoria de Projetos Ambientais e Silvicultura Tropical


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How to Cite

JESUS, R. M. de; GARCIA, A. MANEJO FLORESTAL EM FLORESTA SECUNDÁRIA DE TRANSIÇÃO. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 4, n. 3, p. 649–652, 1992. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.199243695. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 dec. 2024.