
  • Marlene Francisca Tabanez Instituto Florestal
  • Sonia Isabel Pavliuk Machado



Perception, unit of forest conservation and production, environmental education, leisure, leaderships, community


The objectives of Estação Experimental de Assis (E.EA), from Instituto Florestal of Secretaria do Meio Ambiente, is to do forest research in order to preserve the nature and to contribute to improvements on environmental quality. Since 1988, this became a target of political projects with proposals of its utilization for industrial and social activity, such as: embankment filled up with hospital and domestic refuse, building, penitentiary and industrial district enlargement, etc. This work was executed to obtain solution to these problems, to define strategies of intervention and to find out information, opinions and perception that the authorities, leaderships and local community have about the Estação Experimental de Assis (E.E.A.). The results show that the persons interviewed know about the recreation and leisure programs, environmental education and forest production like activities from the forest, but they don't realize that preservation, conservation and improvement on environment quality are its function. Notice that they don't associate the importance of the vegetation cover to the forest function. They know in theory, but they don't know how it works in practice.


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Author Biography

Sonia Isabel Pavliuk Machado



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How to Cite

TABANEZ, M. F.; MACHADO, S. I. P. PERCEPÇÕES DA COMUNIDADE SOBRE A ESTAÇÃO EXPERIMENTAL DE ASSIS. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 4, n. 4, p. 1144–1152, 1992. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.199244725. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.