
  • Milton Kanashiro EMBRAPA/CPATU



Genetic structure, reproductive biology, Bertholletia excelsa,, Didymopanax morototoni, Cordia goeldiana


This paper deals with conceptual aspects of a tree domestication programo Considering thatall improvement programs are based on genetic variability, and that·the final results are dependent on the effective manipulation of that variability, the basic points discussed are: a) reproductive biology and genetic structure; b) the effective population size (Na)' and c) variation within and between populations. From a practical point of view, the important phases commented on are: a) species trials; b) provenance e progenytests, and c) vegetative propagation and seed production. Due to lack of basic information on reproductive biology and genetic structure of native species, associated with the low population densities oftropical species, to get an adequate reproductive material to implementthe trials is often a very hard and highly expensive work. Although the subject is meant to be applied to native species in general, the cases presented are Amazonian species, due to the research work which has been carried out by the author.


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Author Biography

Milton Kanashiro, EMBRAPA/CPATU

Eng. Ftal., Ph. O.


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How to Cite

KANASHIRO, M. GENÉTICA E MELHORAMENTO DE ESSÊNCIAS FLORESTAIS NATIVAS: ASPECTOS CONCEITUAIS E PRÁTICOS. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 4, n. 4, p. 1168–1178, 1992. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.199244739. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.