
  • Maria Cristina Weyland Vieira lnstituto Sul-Mineiro de Estudo e Conservação da Natureza



Conservation, native trees, endangered species


Considering the high degree of destruction of the native forest ecosystems in the south of Minas Gerais that still goes on in a minor scale and followed by a selective predatory logging of harwood species, the Sul- Mineiro Institute of Studies and Nature Conservation began a project of conservation of tree species since 1980. The objectives of the project are: to identify the species threatened of extinction in the region of Monte Belo; to evaluate their conservation status according to the IUCN categories; to obtain more knowledge on those species; to reproduce and utilize them in tree-planting projects and habitat regeneration; to monitorthe remnant populations in Lagoa Farm, to bring awareness into the local people of their importance. Various methods are being used in the project: collection of botanical specimens, field observation, herbarium and bibliographic research, silvicultural activities and campaigns on environmental education. A preliminary synopsis of the Monte Belo arboreto with a phytogeographic and conservationist approach was elaborated. The synopsis provided the necessary information to initially identify the families and species more important for conservation. Among the species initially selected, whose information are in the ISM databank, two species had their preliminary monography elaborated - Cariniana legalis (Mart.) O. Kuntze and Picramnia ramiflora Planchon. Meanwhile, the species and genera identified as endangered of extinction have been observed self-regenerating in the native local forests. And they have been reproducing successfully in the tree nursery and are showing a good development in the field. Therefore their conservation status, at least in this region, is not 50 threatening.


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How to Cite

VIEIRA, M. C. W. CONSERVAÇÃO DE ÁRVORES NATIVAS AMEAÇADAS DE EXTINÇÃO, NO SUL DE MINAS GERAIS. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 4, n. 4, p. 1188–1192, 1992. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.199244745. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 dec. 2024.