The losses of plant genetic resources, in the tropics, are somehow related to anthropic action. The specialized literature recommend some strategies which allow to conserve the genetic diversity of target species. Among them,Astronium urundeuva, lIex paraguariensis, Ocotea pretiosa, Podocarpus lambertii, Schinopsis brasiliensis and Spondias tuberosa were chosen. This work intend to examine the geographic distribution of these species, as a first step of foregoing studies for the establishment of "in situ" conservation. Through surveys in herbarium and literature review, the data about species occurrence were obtained. The geographic coordinates of those locais were transfered to a geoprocessing software (Arcinfo) and plotted in a 1:10.000.000 scale map. Foreseeing new occurrences, each species was provided with a sphere of action of a 20 km ray around the incident spots. From this pararneter, the respective buffers were plotted, drawing limits for the areas to be studied.
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