
  • Agmar P. Vitti ESALQjUSP - Piracicaca (SP).
  • Paulo Y. Kageyama ESALQjUSP - Piracicaba (SP).
  • Luiz G. da S. Costa FCAP - Belém (PA).
  • Adolfo D. Billa UEM - Maputo (Moçambique).
  • Fábio Seguese ESALQjUSP - Piracicaca (SP).
  • Fernanda F. da Silva ESALQjUSP - Piracicaca (SP).



eneticstructure, ativespecies, secondary succession


The genetic structure of populations of native tree species was studied, through the establishment of progeny trials. Using the secondary succession concept, the progenytrial including the pioneertreespecies (C.cinerea) was established under fuI! sun, while the clímax tree species (E. /eiocarpa) was established under shade condition, with a view to attend the requirements of each species group mainly with regard to light quantity and quality. The obtained results indicate that there is larger variation among progenies for the climax species compared to the pioneer species. The s2d/s2g ratio suggests that there is more allogamy in the Cecropia cinerea compared to Esenbeckia /eiocarpa. For the late species, evidences were found that there is little gene flow among the studied population colonies.


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Author Biographies

Agmar P. Vitti, ESALQjUSP - Piracicaca (SP).

Acadêmico em Engenharia Florestal na ESALQjUSP - Piracicaca (SP).

Paulo Y. Kageyama, ESALQjUSP - Piracicaba (SP).

Professor associado da ESALQjUSP - Piracicaba (SP).

Luiz G. da S. Costa, FCAP - Belém (PA).

Professor da FCAP - Belém (PA).

Adolfo D. Billa, UEM - Maputo (Moçambique).

Professor da UEM - Maputo (Moçambique).

Fábio Seguese, ESALQjUSP - Piracicaca (SP).

Acadêmico em Engenharia Florestal na ESALQjUSP - Piracicaca (SP).


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How to Cite

VITTI, A. P.; KAGEYAMA, P. Y.; COSTA, L. G. da S.; BILLA, A. D.; SEGUESE, F.; SILVA, F. F. da. ESTRUTURA GENÉTICA EM POPULAÇÕES DE CECROPIA CINEREA E ESENBECKIA LEIOCARPA PLANTADAS SEGUNDO A SUCESSÃO SECUNDÁRIA. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 4, n. 4, p. 1209–1212, 1992. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.199244777. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 dec. 2024.