Plant tissue culture, somatic polyembryogenesis, Araucaría angustífolía, mass clonal propagation, synthetic seedsAbstract
Reconstitution in plant morphogenesis is a type of vegetative propagation in which the reorganization of embryonic tissue does occur. When embryonal-suspensor cells (young zygotic embryo) are excised and inoculated in suitable culture medium new embryonal-suspensor cells are originated by cleavage and budding processes. This phenomenon has been described in gymnosperms and its manipulation may allow the mass donal propagation of elite plants, as well the improvement and the germ plasm conservation. Young needles and mature embryos of Araucaría angustífolía (Bert.) O. Kuntze were inoculated in LP (VON ARNOLD & ERIKSSON, 1981) and MS (MURASHIGE & SKOOG, 1962) media supplemented with 2,4-0, BAP and KIN, and showed the proliferation of callus tissue that couldn't be subcultured and showed no embryogenic characteristics. Immature zygotic embryos containing embryonal-suspensor masses (ESM) were. inoculated in the same media and the proliferation of new ESM with embryonic features were demonstrated. Condition for obtaining repetitive cycles of cell division and the scale-up of this ESM were established. Experiments are in progress with the aim of establishing embryogenic cell lines in liquid suspension and obtaining somatic embryos and/or synthetic seeds.
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