
  • José Leonardo de M. Gonçalves USP
  • Paulo Y. Kageyama USP
  • Valéria M. Freixêdas USP
  • Jânio C. Gonçalves CESP
  • João Henríque P. Dias CESP



produção de biomassa, sistema radicular, espécies pioneiras, espécies secundárias, espécies clímax


The objectives of this paper was to study the biomass production and root system characteristics of nine species of differentsucessional stages. The research was carried out with seedlings and trees of a reforested area by the São Paulo Stale Energetic Company along the reservoir edges of "Porto Primavera" Hidroelectric Mil!. Nine seedlings and two seventeen-month old trees were used. The washed roots of the seedlíngs and above ground part were dried, weighted and morphologically analysed. Two trees were cuí, had their leaves, branches and stems separated. Samples 01 these components were taken in order to evaluate their dryweight. Trenches were opened to observe the root system structure of the cut trees. The pioneer species had growth rates much higher than secondary species and these much higher than clímax species. The branch plus stem pioneer and secondary percentual were higher than clímax, but the clirnax was higher to these species in terms of leaf percentage. It was verified that early stage sucessional species presenl most developed uptake root systems, and predominance of thinest and broadest roots. In the other extreme, climax species present atrophied root systems which are lormed with both largest and lowest amounts of uptake roots.


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Author Biographies

José Leonardo de M. Gonçalves, USP

Professor Doutor e Professor Associado, respectivamente, do LCF/ESALG/USP.

Paulo Y. Kageyama, USP

Professor Doutor e Professor Associado, respectivamente, do LCF/ESALG/USP.

Valéria M. Freixêdas, USP

Aluno do Curso de Engenharia Florestal (ESALQ/USP).

Jânio C. Gonçalves, CESP

Engenheiro Florestal da Companhia Energética de São Paulo (CESP).

João Henríque P. Dias, CESP

Engenheiro Florestal da Companhia Energética de São Paulo (CESP).


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How to Cite

GONÇALVES, J. L. de M.; KAGEYAMA, P. Y.; FREIXÊDAS, V. M.; GONÇALVES, J. C.; DIAS, J. H. P. PRODUÇÃO DE BIOMASSA E SISTEMA RADICULAR DE ESPÉCIES DE DIFERENTES ESTÁGIOS SUCESSIONAIS. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 4, n. 2, p. 363–367, 1992. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.199242794. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.