
  • Virgilio M. Viana USP
  • André J. A. Tabanez USP
  • Juan L. A. Martinez Universidade Alcala de Henares



This paper discusses theoretical and applied aspects of forest fragmentation. It also reports resulte of a case study on the biology and management of plateau forests in the region of Piracicaba, São Paulo. Fores!s fragmentation is a typical phenomenon in practically ali cases of expansion of agricultural frontiers in Brazil. Today, forest fragments house the last remnants of native biodiversity of plateau forests. Studies of forest fragments in the region of Piracicaba indicate that (a) most forest fragments are small and isolated, (b) the occurrence of lianas in high densities is an obstade to natural tree regeneration, (c) the frequency of dead trees is high, (d) edge effects are significant and complex, and (e) forest fragments need management practices in arder to prevent the continuation of current processes of forest degradation and loss of biological biodiversity.


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Author Biographies

Virgilio M. Viana, USP

Professor do Departamento de Ciências Florestais, ESALO/USP

André J. A. Tabanez, USP

Acadêmico da ESALQ/USP e bolsista da FAPESP

Juan L. A. Martinez, Universidade Alcala de Henares

Doutorando em Biologia da Universidade Alcala de Henares


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How to Cite

VIANA, V. M.; TABANEZ, A. J. A.; MARTINEZ, J. L. A. RESTAURAÇÃO E MANEJO DE FRAGMENTOS FLORESTAIS. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 4, n. 2, p. 400–406, 1992. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.199242801. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.