
  • Lúcio A. Pereira Bacharel em Ecologia - UNESP
  • Jairo R. J. Rueda UNESP



Micromorphology, erosive, accumulation zones, grume, aggregation


A micromorphologycal caracterization of the erosive process was made in three different lots of land with differente vegetable structures: (Euca/yptus citríodora, of 1940, Euca/yptus cítríodora, of 1990 and a native wood). The methodology was developed by the authors and consist on collections of materiais eroded in micromorphologycals on the denominated "accumulation zones" which accompany the topography of the ground, forming plataíorrns. It was verified the occurence of an erosive process in the three areas in form of microfurrow, small chamer and fans, always associated to the fundamental process (furrow or roll). The analysis show that the process of transportation of sediment is made in the form of grume (clay-humic complexes) on land lots with culture of Euca/yptus cítríodora, (1940), and native wood and in form of aggregation (clay-minerals) in land lots with culture of Euca/yptus citríodora (1 year).


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Author Biographies

Lúcio A. Pereira, Bacharel em Ecologia - UNESP

Bacharel em Ecologia.

Jairo R. J. Rueda, UNESP

Prof. Dr. do Curso de Geologia, Depto. Geologia Aplicada, UNESP - Rio Claro-SP.


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How to Cite

PEREIRA, L. A.; RUEDA, J. R. J. CARACTERIZAÇÃO MICROMORFOLÓGICA DO PROCESSO EROSIVO EM TRÊS DIFERENTES COBERTURAS VEGETAIS. RIO CLARO - SP. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 4, n. 3, p. 834–838, 1992. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.199243861. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 oct. 2024.