
  • Antonio Cecilio Dias Instituto Florestal
  • Alcebiades Custodio Filho Instituto Florestal
  • Geraldo Antonio Daher Corrêa Franco Instituto Florestal




index, diversity, atlantic rain forest


This study is a vegetation survcy of a formation in thc atlantic rain forest in order to determine: the arboreal species diversity using six indexes (Margalcf, Menhinick, Berger-Parker, Mclntosh, Shannon e Sirnpson) and thc sensibility of these indexes to sample size variation. The point centred quarter method (Quadrant method) was used in the vegetation sampling, considering arboreal specimens of two diameter classes: class I (DBH >= 0.10 m) and class 2 (0.05 m <= DBH < 0.10 m). A total of 1248 specimens were sample for the two diametcr classes: 75 dead standing trees and 1173 distributed in 45 families and 219 species. For Gil the indexes applied diameter class 2 showed a grcatcr species diversity. As to the diversity indexes sensibility to the samplc size variatiori, Margalcf indcx WGS thc most scnsiblc. Mclntosh and Simpson indexes wcrc the lcast sensible. Groups with 8 quadrant points cach are the minirnun sampling to which the diversity indexes are applicable in this conuuunity.


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How to Cite

DIAS, A. C.; CUSTODIO FILHO, A.; FRANCO, G. A. D. C. DIVERSIDADE DO COMPONENTE ARBÓREO EM PLUVIAL ATLÂNTICA SECUNDÁRIA, SÃO PAULO, BRASIL. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 12, n. 2, p. 127–153, 2000. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.20001229. Disponível em: https://rif.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/9. Acesso em: 21 sep. 2024.



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