invasive plants, Núcleo Cabuçu, SolanaceaeAbstract
Núcleo Cabuçu is the fourth and latest “núcleo” of the Parque Estadual da Cantareira, situated inside of the metropolitan region of São Paulo. Invasive plants present some typical characteristics, as the capacity of fast opened environment settling, also for antropic action and the reproduction, predominantly autogamic, what confers them a high genetic uniformity in population level. Amongst the families of invasive plants that occur in the Núcleo Cabuçu, Solanaceae family is cited. In the present work it was made the anatomical analysis of the leaf in units of two invasive populations of Solanaceae – Solanum variabile Mart. and Aureliana fasciculata (Vell.) Sendtn., both of them, native species of the Brazilian flora. For the anatomical study, sections by free hand from the medium portion of the foliar blade, main ribbing and petiole were obtained and also the dissociation of the epidermis. After that, all the material was submitted to the conventional techniques of plant anatomy for blades preparation. It was concluded, by the present study, that the two species present anatomical characteristics that may justify its invasive condition, such as the great covering of trichomes in Solanum variabile the druses of calcium oxalate in Aureliana fasciculata and the presence of idioblasts with phenolic substances in Solanum variabile.
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