
  • Patrícia De Luca Vitalli Centro Universitário SENAC
  • Maria José Brito Zakia Práxis Socioambiental
  • Giselda Durigan Instituto Florestal



legislation, buffer zone, Resolution CONAMA No. 13/90, natural reserves


Legal recognition of the buffer zone of protected areas has been considered the most powerful tool to prevent environmental impacts to the natural ecosystems coming from the surrounding areas. In order to analyze the demand for process analysis, the nature of the activities whose license has been requested and effectiveness of public policies in the implementation of existing legislation, we analyzed 155 cases that dealt with projects around the Assis Ecological Station, SP, based on the 10 km radius from the perimeter of the protected area established by CONAMA Resolution No. 13/90. During the analyzed period (1990-2006), which preceded the definition of the buffer zone and its rules in the management plan, the potential demand for examining applications for the environmental license was, on an average, ten cases per year, which corresponds to a process for every 6,000 ha per year, mostly related to the conversion of land use from pasture to agriculture, which requires the cutting of individual trees and recovery of riparian forests. Since the opinion of the managing institution (Forestry Institute) was requested in only 8% of cases, the actual demand was less than a tenth of the potential demand. In the rare cases where the Forestry Institute was listened, it was not always enough to prevent the licensing approval. Based on the case study of Assis Ecological Station, we concluded that the accomplishment of the existing laws has not been adequate to ensure the effectiveness of the buffer zone.


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How to Cite

VITALLI, P. D. L.; ZAKIA, M. J. B.; DURIGAN, G. THE ENVIRONMENTAL LICENSING’S EFFECTIVENESS IN CONSTRAINING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS IN THE BUFFER ZONE OF ASSIS ECOLOGICAL STATION, SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 23, n. 2, p. 279–286, 2011. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.2011232300. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 dec. 2024.



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