phytosociology, succession, environmental educationAbstract
Degraded wood stretches in "Parque Estadual das Fontes do lpiranga (PEFI)" in lhe city of São Paulo (SP) were subject of a phytosociological study and sampling by means of the quadrat method. The samples included all living trees with perimeter at breast height equal to or greater than 15 cm. The main phytosociological parameters as well as data or lhe diameter and height classes, were calculated. Eighty tive species classified into seventy one genera and thirtyseven families were detected. From these, Alchornea sidaefo/ia Muell. Arg.(Euphorbiaceae), typically found in regenerating areas, was lhe species that present the greatest lmportance Value (IVI). The second greater IV! was present by Guarea macrophylla Vah_l . (Meliaceae), typical of understorey. Despite being degrated, the studied area still has a high potencial for natural regeneration due to the existence of a great number of arboreal species and the vicinity of seed sources in "PEFI". The result obtainedin this research will enable the future monitoring of the area with an ecological and sociocultural view and these aspects will be used in Environmental Education Programs.
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