
  • Luzia Ilza Ferreira Jorge Instituto Adolfo Lutz. Laboratório I de Santos
  • Eduardo Gonzalez Instituto Adolfo Lutz. Laboratório I de Santos
  • Teresa de Ávila Ribeiro Figueiredo Instituto Adolfo Lutz. Laboratório I de Santos
  • Augusta Mendes da Silva Instituto Adolfo Lutz. Divisão de Bromatologia e Química




Averrhoa carambola L, carambold, coromandel gooseberry, Achras sapota L


The main morphological and structural characteristics oriented-diagnostic of the species Achras sapota L. and Averrhoa carambola L. (carambold or coromandel gooseberry) are described. This study will be useful for the species identification even after technological processing of the fruits, leaves and barks. Achras sapota presents laticifers, calcium oxalate crystals and stone cells with different and extravagant shapes, on the fruits and on the leaves. The epicarp of the fruits of Achras sapota is characterized by the early formation of cork. Averrhoa carambola (carambold) presents simple and unicellular hairs on the leaves and fruits. The hairs of the leaf are abundant and short (100 µm) and the hairs of the fruit are rare and long (600 µm). Prismatic crystals are observed at the mesophyll. The pericarp presents carotene pigments, small starch grains and amorphous amylaceous substance as ergastic substances.


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How to Cite

JORGE, L. I. F.; GONZALEZ, E.; FIGUEIREDO, T. de Ávila R.; SILVA, A. M. da. Averrhoa carambola L. (OXALIDACEAE) E Achras sapota L. (SAPOTACEAE) - ELEMENTOS MORFO-ANATÔMICOS DE ORIENTAÇÃO DIAGNÓSTICA. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 18, p. 39–48, 2006. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.200618322. Disponível em: https://rif.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/322. Acesso em: 21 sep. 2024.



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