
  • Maria Isabel Vallilo Instituto Florestal
  • Miriam F. S. Caruso Instituto Adolfo Lutz
  • Emy Takemoto Instituto Adolfo Lutz
  • Sabria Aued Pimentel Instituto Adolfo Lutz



Platymiscium floribundum, seeds, vegetable oil, fatty acids, and tocopherols


Platymiscium floribundum Vog. - Fabaceae (sacambu) fruits have been collected in the Parque Estadual Alberto Löfgren in São Paulo city, in August and November 2004, corresponding both to different climatic conditions and of matureness. The seeds have been analyzed in order to determine lipids, fatty acids and tocopherols rates, in the two seasonal maturation phases. The lipids have been extracted with ethyl ether for soxhlet. Fatty acids and tocopherol identification and quantification have been made by gas chromatograph (GC), with flame ionization detector and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detector, respectively. The results showed high level of lipid (23.6 g 100 g -1 ) in the phase of greatest maturation of fruits. No considerable difference was observed in the profile of fatty acids in the two phases studied; however, the level of alpha and gamma tocopherols, expressed in mg 100 g -1 , has presented considerable changes by the ripeness of the fruits, increasing the concentration from 27.7 to 42.8 (alpha) and from 68.9 to 88.1 (gamma); the same did not happened with beta and delta tocopherols, that had practically remained unchanged by the ripening of the fruits.


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How to Cite

VALLILO, M. I.; CARUSO, M. F. S.; TAKEMOTO, E.; PIMENTEL, S. A. CARACTERIZAÇÃO QUÍMICA E FÍSICO-QUÍMICA DO ÓLEO DAS SEMENTES DE Platymiscium floribundum Vog. (SACAMBU), COLHIDAS NA FASE DE DESENVOLVIMENTO E NA ÉPOCA DE MATURAÇÃO FISIOLÓGICA. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 19, n. 2, p. 73–80, 2007. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.2007192350. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 sep. 2024.



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