ASSOCIAÇÃO ECTOMICORRÍZICA ENTRE Suillus luteus (L. ex. FR.) S. F. Gray E Pinus elliottii Engelman var. elliottii


  • Nilse Kasue Shimura Yokomizo Instituto Florestal
  • Eliana Rodrigues UNESP



Pinus elliottii var. elliottii, Suillus luteus, ectomycorrhizae, mycorrhizae


The basidiomycete Suillus luteus (L. ex. Fr.) Gray was identified as mycorrhizal symbiont in Pinus elliottii Engelm. var. e/liottii root system. The mycorrhizae were typically ectotrophic, with branched morphology in the early stages and tuberculate at matunty. The ectomycorrhizae had a hyphal mantle 3.59 - 33.66 µm thick as long as in the tuberculate type, in, which were found up to eleven root tips ins1de one tubercule. The Hartig net penetrated the outer three epiderma! cells with mycelial penetration in the intercelular space of 0.29 - 0. 76 µm. ln vitro isolates obtained in Modified Melin Norkrans (MMN) from basidiocarps and mycorrhizae presented the sarne cultural characteristics. Mycorrhizae were axenically synthesized by inoculation of these isolates in Pinus elliottii var. elliottii in aseptic conditions.


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Author Biography

Eliana Rodrigues, UNESP

Pós-Graduanda do Instituto de Biociências


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How to Cite

YOKOMIZO, N. K. S.; RODRIGUES, E. ASSOCIAÇÃO ECTOMICORRÍZICA ENTRE Suillus luteus (L. ex. FR.) S. F. Gray E Pinus elliottii Engelman var. elliottii. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 10, n. 1, p. 73–79, 1998. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.1998101542. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.



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