
  • Jair Rosas da Silva Instituto Florestal
  • Victório Furlani Neto Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Ney Barros de Avelino Sidou Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Eduardo Trevisan Gonçalves Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Christian Bacci Universidade Federal de São Carlos



job occurrences, agriculture, diagnosis, causes, statistics


This study analyses serious accidents on rural work occurred at ten counties Iocated in the southern of the São Paulo State, Brazil. The research was fully based on records of the Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social - INSS and it covered forty mónths. There werc recorded one hundred and six grave occurrences from 1994 to 1997 in Itapetininga, Capão Bonito, São Miguel Arcanjo, Guapiara, Itapeva, Boituva, Angatuba, Ribeirão Grande, Sarapuí and Alambari. The results have shown a mathematical correlation between population and the number of serious accidents on rnral work by means a tirst degree equation, as follows: )' = 0.00()376 X - 2.464594 where x represents the county population and y the number ot serious rural cases. This study has shown that workers aged between 20 and 35 years old were the group of population most susceptible to serious accidents 111 the assessed spot. This result has also shown the group of the rnral workers most Iacking security trainmg. l11e Brazilian way of work, sometimes extending day shift, caused fatigue and stress for the worker which were frequently associated with time of major occurrences of serious accidents. Dctaching itsclf from the week, Thursday was found the best incidence of grave accidents on rural working. Conceming to months distribution, scrious accidents were increased alone with agricultura! labor, such as in harvesting or planting season. The vehiclcs more involved in scrious accidcnts, by arder, were: indefini.te, truck for loading or pcople transportation, motorcycle, car, pick-up, bicycle and bus. Arnong agricultura! and other machines, they have been pointed out: tractor, chainsaw, indefinite, rotary shredder, shovel excavator and lifting truck. The rnain causes of the scrious accictents in this region wcre related to vehiclcs, niral roads, fàlling of people, trees, wood, objects and charge displacement. Precarious collective transportation of workers and maintenance and engineenng project conditions of the rural roads were also ment1oned. Others factors also included capsizing and trampling with various kinds of vehicles transporting or hitting workers. Considering the human body parts bit, this study did make references to the entire human body: lower members, upper members, trunk, head and general parts. Concerning to the organs of the human body, the most damaged by decreasing order were legs, anns, head, hands, feet, k:nee and shoulders.


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Author Biographies

Victório Furlani Neto, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Campus Araras. 

Ney Barros de Avelino Sidou, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

 Campus Araras

Eduardo Trevisan Gonçalves, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

 Campus Araras

Christian Bacci, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

 Campus Araras


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How to Cite

SILVA, J. R. da; FURLANI NETO, V.; SIDOU, N. B. de A.; GONÇALVES, E. T.; BACCI, C. ACIDENTES GRAVES NO TRABALHO RURAL ENTRE 1994 E 1997 NA REGIÃO CENTRO-SUL DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO, BRASIL. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 13, n. 1, p. 83–97, 2001. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.2001131631. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 sep. 2024.



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