
  • Sidnei Francisco Cruz Instituto Florestal
  • Osmar Vilas Boas Instituto Florestal
  • Lêda Maria do Amaral Gurgel Garrido Instituto Florestal
  • Fernando Silveira Franco Universidade Federal de Viçosa



agroforestry, associations, Pinus, intercropping


Three experiments of associations between forest and agricultural species were installed on Estações Experimentais of Assis and Marília. The associations included two Pinus species: Pinus elliottii var. clliottii and Pilnus caribaea var. caribaea and thre agricultural species: coffee (Coffea arabtcai, rice oryza saliva) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) intending to study forest development and the shadiness influence on agricultural species. Generally there is no influence of association on height and diameter growing or on agricultural production. The coffee individual production was the same for ali kinds of associations. Rice and bean cultures associated with pino were affected by shadiness. The best association was 133 thousand plants/ha (four rows) between Pinus rows. On rice, coffee and Pinus associations the greatest rice production occurred when coffee was the main cultivation, followed by pine, coffee and rice association.


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How to Cite

CRUZ, S. F.; BOAS, O. V.; GARRIDO, L. M. do A. G.; FRANCO, F. S. CONSORCIAÇÃO ENTRE ESPÉCIES DE PINUS E CULTURAS AGRÍCOLAS. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 8, n. 2, p. 135–144, 1996. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.199682649. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 oct. 2024.



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