
  • Frederico Alexandre Roccia Dal Pozzo Arzolla Instituto Florestal
  • Francisco Eduardo Silva Pinto Vilela Instituto Florestal
  • Gláucia Cortez Ramos de Paula Instituto Florestal
  • George John Shepherd Instituto de Biologia



Natural regeneration, Initial secondary succession, Shrubby-arboreal component, Disturbance, Montane Dense Ombrophilous Forest


To allow the installation of electrical transmission-line towers, a series of man-made clearings was made in the forest covering part of the Serra da Cantareira. The size of the clearings varied from 120 m2 to 286 m2 , totalizing 0.2 ha. The objective of the present study was to describe the structure of the shrubby-tree component of these man-made clearings and to analyse the contribution made by individuals arising from seeds and vegetative regrowth. A total of 1732 individuals with the height > 1.3m, belonging to 140 species and 44 families. Of the total individuals, 1336 (77.2%) and 83 species originated from seeds, giving a total Density of 6680 indivs/ha and absolute Dominance of 6 m2 /ha; and 396 individuals (22.8%) and 78 species from vegetative regrowth, with total Density of 1980 indivs/ha and absolute Dominance of 1.2 m2 /ha. The component arising from seed, had Croton macrobothrys, Piptocarpha macropoda, Trema micrantha, Solanum mauritianum and Sessea brasiliensis with the highest Importance Index Values while the resprouting component had Cupania oblongifolia, Coffea arabica, Sessea brasiliensis, Croton foribundus e Guarea macrophylla. The similiarity value between the two components was low (15%), that indicate the presence of two different foristic groups. The man-made clearings showed some differences from natural clearings, with a predominance of Pioneer species for individuals established by seeds (72.6% of species, 77.7% of individuals), instead individual maintained by resprouting, in which initial Secondary and Umbrophilous species predominated (49.4% and 22.1% of species, 55.1% and 28.5% of individuals, respectively). In comparison with the original forest, there were considerable differences with substitution of species, families and sucessional groups.


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Author Biography

George John Shepherd, Instituto de Biologia

Professor aposentado do Departamento de Botânica, Instituto de Biologia, UNICAMP


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How to Cite

ARZOLLA, F. A. R. D. P.; VILELA, F. E. S. P.; PAULA, G. C. R. de; SHEPHERD, G. J. STRUCTURE OF MAN-MADE CLEARINGS IN THE SERRA DA CANTAREIRA, SP, BRAZIL. Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 32, n. 2, p. 215–237, 2020. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.202032208. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 oct. 2024.



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