
  • Carlos Bruno Reissmann Departamento de Solos da UFPR.
  • Beatriz Monte Serrat Prevedello Departamento de Solos da UFPR.



Erva-mate, liming, base saturation, foliar analysis, lime chlorosis


In a greenhouse pot experiment, seedlings of ervamate ( lIex paraguariensis St.Hil.) were treated with increasing doses of lime to attain different levels of base saturation to force lime chlorosis. The lime doses to obtain 40% (Ti); 60% (T2); 80% (T3) and 100% (T4) base saturation were calculated from the untreated sóll (V = 9,8%), wichwas used as reference (TO).Aclear inhibition of grouwth could be observed with increasing lime application. Furthermore, the young leaves in the two highest lime treatments showed chlorosis. Positive correlations between increasing lime applicatlon and the contents of K, Ca, Mg and Fe in the leaves were observed. In this experiment as well in earlier ones, extremely low leaf P contents were observed, indicating this may be characteristic of the species. Also low Cu contents and high Zn contents (> 100 ppm) were found.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Bruno Reissmann, Departamento de Solos da UFPR.


Beatriz Monte Serrat Prevedello, Departamento de Solos da UFPR.



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How to Cite

REISSMANN, C. B.; PREVEDELLO, B. M. S. INFLUÊNCIA DA CALAGEM NO CRESCIMENTO E NA COMPOSIÇÃO QUÍMICA FOLIAR DA ERVA-MATE (ILEX PARAGUARIENSIS ST.HIL.). Journal of the Forest Institute , São Paulo, v. 4, n. 2, p. 625–629, 1992. DOI: 10.24278/2178-5031.199242845. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.